the self-healing of your
body and mind.
In hypnosis you regress to the origin of your problem so that you can straighten out on a sub-conscious level what went wrong emotionally. By creating a new positive experience you rewrite the original script from the past and with this directly impact your actual problem.
What it is
Hypnosis is a natural state of deep physical and mental relaxation. You are in trance. That means that the critical and analytical part of your mind has much less of a say. In this state you are more able to gain insight into your problems and accept positive suggestions. Hypnosis is always self-hypnosis: you are the only person who can allow the state of trance.
Safety & control
Hypnosis is safe. It can’t hurt you or cause you to lose control. You are not unconscious or sleeping. You will remember all details of the session including everything that you and I spoke of. You always have the ability to exit the experience by yourself. No suggestion can be placed into your subconscious against your own will.
Regression is when you recall an event from the past while you are hypnotized. You recall this past event as though it were occurring now. You can see or feel the past event as though you were watching it on screen. It is much like taking a journey into an unexplored area.
Getting to the cause
Most of our current psychological problems were first formed at an early age of our lives. Often there is some false understanding or unjustified fear in childhood that causes the problematic situation. In hypnosis I let you regress to the origin of your actual problem. There we can straighten out on a sub-conscious level what went wrong emotionally. By creating a new positive experience and placing a positive suggestion you rewrite the original script from the past. This has a direct impact on your actual problem.

What I can offer you:
First of all I explain what the most frequent false prejudices against hypnosis are. Should you make the step to hypnotherapy, this will provide a new access to your subconscious and therefore to your own resources, potential and self-healing. I am a certified hypnotherapist and hypno-coach. My approach is beneficial in dealing with anxiety, unjustified fears, insecurity, bad habits and burnout syndrome.